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Never Cease Trying

Nicholas Thompson American professional golfer Callaway
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Palm Beach County Imagination Library

Palm Beach County Imagination Library logo

The Nicholas and Christen Thompson Foundation ("NCT Foundation") is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization started in 2020 by PGA Tour professional Nicholas Thompson and his wife. The mission of the NCT Foundation is applying the values of the game of golf to childhood literacy in Palm Beach County. Our motto is Never Cease Trying.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is the preeminent early childhood book gifting program in the world. Its mission is to inspire a love of reading. The Imagination Library mails one free, high-quality, age-appropriate book per month to each child enrolled, every month from birth through their fifth birthday.


The program works through shared funding from The Dollywood Foundation and local affiliate partners, who enroll families and pay the monthly cost of books. The NCT Foundation is the local affiliate partner of the Imagination Library in Palm Beach County.

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"If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."

-Dolly Parton


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